Current information, which can help many residents protect their family from unexpected tragedy right now, and secure a legacy to their loved ones after death. Look to this page on each issue, to learn the simple and safe ways to achieve certain financial outcomes that you may not have known you could. 
What is “Life Insurance”, what it does for you, and how best to get it
Life insurance is similar to Car Insurance in many ways: For Car Insurance, we pay into a large company that collects premiums from millions of drivers, and if we have an accident or our car is stolen, our insurance  pays us money as compensation. For Life Insurance, we pay into a large company that also collects premiums from millions of people. When one of the clients dies, the insurance company pays the client’s family money, tax-free, as compensation for his loss of income.  Life Insurance policies can NEVER be canceled or changed by the Company, only by the client, unlike Car Insurance. 
Example: John is a healthy 40yr.old computer programmer, who makes $75000/yr. His wife makes $25000/yr. as a part-time clerk. John knows that if he had an accident or illness and he died, his family could not survive financially. They have a $250000 mortgage, and John wants to make sure they will keep their home, they will have enough money to supplement his wife’s income, and their two small children will get a good college education.
John also knows that he cannot risk waiting: His health may change, or he might die next year, or next week. His only sure-fire way to ensure his goals for his family are met, is to get Life Insurance. Now, for an easily affordable amount each month, he is assured his family will receive $500000 tax-free at his death. Prudently invested, it is enough to provide security for his family. His employer also offers Life Insurance to John, at low “Group” rates. He takes it, but does not base his insurance plan on it: If he is not working there anymore, he will not have it. If he has the option to keep it at “Individual” rates, he will have to pay a very high rate, especially if he is older then. By getting his own Life Insurance, he locks in the low rate of his present age, and does not worry about ever losing his family’s insurance. 
How to get Life Insurance: There is plenty of “fine print” to worry about
Just like with Car Insurance , so do Life Insurance rates vary widely. It pays to know that, since the cost of an identical insurance can be double from one company what it would be from another. Also, it’s vital that the company is very strong financially (by legal ratings), so that years from now, will pay the family. 
How are rates determined? Just as Car Insurance rates depend on our driving record, how much we drive per year, if anyone else drives the car, our age, even our gender, so do Life Insurance rates. They are based on our age, gender (women cost less), and health, since these are the basic things that affect our life expectancy. * Criteria vary among companies-they affect the rate!!!!!! *(A good agent helps you here).
Who can sell Life Insurance? Only a Licensed Life Agent. Life Agents are closely monitored by the CA  Dept.of Insurance, for “Continuing Education” and compliance with strict regulations governing the industry, just like with Real Estate Agents. Agents are paid a commission by the company for the policies they write, and good agents provide free on-going reviews to their clients as their needs change in the future.
Some Life Companies employ their own sales agents who are called “Captive” and are not allowed to write for other companies. Usually, these companies charge much higher rates, since training salaries, commission advances, equipment, training, office space etc. for these agents  must be paid.  The drawback is not only the higher rates, but also the very limited types of policies that are available from just one company. ● Policies vary widely, and “One policy fits all” is a very unsafe approach. ●
Agents who do not work for one Life Company are called “Independent”, and write policies for many Companies. These agents can “shop” numerous companies, to find the lowest rates, most suitable policies, and financial strength their clients need. They offer advantages to their clients that “captive” agents do not. They do not get the nice bonuses and perks of a “captive” agent, but they may write more policies since they have access to more competitive rates and types of policies. Most agents though write for only 2-3 companies.      The ‘Independent’ agent you want should show you quotes from over 100 companies, and will protect you from numerous pitfalls due to “very fine print”. 

► If you would like a Free review of your situation, you are welcome to ask for specific information:
A.G.I.S Insurance & Financial Services, Athena Ghion, Independent Agent
CA Dept. of Insurance License # 0C43487      (949) 643-1172 or e-mail A.G.I.S@cox.net  ◄

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